Arts in Education : Teacher/ Artist Partnership
Arts In Education : I had a wonderful week at this residential training course and I look forward to a residency in September as part of the Teacher/Artist initiative. With thanks to Jane O’Hanlon, Poetry Ireland, for nominating me.
Teacher/ Artist Partnership as a model of CPD initiative under the Arts in Education Charter
A training of trainer (ToT) residential summer course will take place in Laois Education Centre from the 4th – 8th July 2016 inclusive.
Twenty one teachers and twenty one artists will be recruited to attend the training of trainer course. This will ensure that each of the 21 Education Centres in the Network will have the capacity to grow and sustain this initiative into the future.
The lead Teacher/ Artist team (who piloted this initiative in 2014/15) will deliver the Training of Trainer (ToT) course.
A teacher/ artist twenty hour residency programme will follow in each Education Centre area from September 2016 to further develop and consolidate the training of the lead T/A pairs.
An allocation of €1000.00 approx. will be made available to each of the 21 residencies. These will take place in the nominated teacher’s school in each case.
An evaluation framework will be developed to capture the learning.